1/2018 – Elgin Township Summer Programs for Youth at Risk
Applications are currently available on our website at www.elgintownship.com. Applications are due by Friday, March 9, 2018. Applications may be emailed to [email protected], dropped off or mailed to Elgin Township 729 S. McLean Blvd., Elgin, IL 60123. If dropping off please include 7 copies. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Personal presentations are not necessary but are encouraged. Please notify the office if you plan to do a personal presentation at the April 4, 2018 Town Board Meeting at 6:30p.m. Grants will be awarded in April and funding available in May. Call 847-741-2045.
NEW in 2018
Elgin Township seeks partnerships with grantees who provide services and programs to benefit the township youth at-risk population under age 18. In the project description, the agency must describe how the proposed program or project will address all the following priorities:
Elgin Township funding request that improves or enhances services to benefit youth who reside inside the Elgin Township boundaries
Credit for use of Elgin Township funding in marketing and promoting the Township-funded project activities and program(s)
Accountability that includes outcomes for the project and how those will be met
Level (or percentage) of the total project budget being provided by the grantee agency
A follow up progress REPORT will be required.