In each Township, the Township Board shall consist of the supervisor, and four other trustees elected at large under 60 ILCS 1/50-5. The supervisor shall be the chairman of the township board, and has one vote as a member of the board. Some of the responsibilities the trustees have are auditing township bills, attending to annual budgeting and levy responsibilities, spending township funds, compensating township officers, and many other township functions. The trustees are the legislative arm of the township, setting policy and procedure for the township supervisor to administer.
Elgin Township Supervisor
The Township Supervisor
Statutorily defined as the chief executive officer of the township, an Illinois township supervisor is positioned to fulfill a key leadership role on the township team as the manager of financial affairs in the township, coordinator of the township programs, and administrator of day-to-day activities in the office.
In addition, a supervisor is:
- A voting member and chair of the township board of trustees
- Overseer to the general assistance program
- The treasurer of all township funds
- Ex-officer treasurer of the road district
Services Include:
Elgin Township Trustees

Mark Bialek

Alejandro Lopez

Janet Rogalla