Elgin Township is seeking input on ways to be a community for all ages and to help support the mission of the Committee on Seniors (“Support services for senior U.S. citizens and legal residents in Elgin Township to remain independent and to age in place”). We invite your thoughts – regardless of your current age or whether you see our senior services as relevant.
Please complete this questionnaire to the best of your ability by Monday, February 19, 2024. Hard copy surveys are available at Elgin Township, 729 S. McLean Blvd., Elgin, IL 60123, or via scan and email to [email protected]. Questions? Call 847-741-2045.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us help you and our community!

Close The Gap in Senior Care

A special program for those who may qualify for assistance in obtaining grab bars. Nominate a worthy senior citizen at

Ride in Kane

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and older. Individuals must live in Elgin Township. Service is provided as funds are available.

Please go to for more information.

Thank you!  Enjoy your holidays!!